Outsourcing of Accounting
By outsourcing accounting procedures and systems, you are relieved of tedious administrative tasks and thus gain capacities for your core business. We undertake these routine tasks for you.* This offer is complemented by our modern and highly flexible reporting system on the basis of a BI data base, which additionally allows for never-known transparency and quality of information, available anytime and anywhere.
* In compliance with §6 number 3 and 4 of the tax consulting law (StBerG), we perform exclusively mechanical operations in accounting and record keeping, as well as the entry of current business transactions.
Outsourcing Accounting Procedures and Systems
We offer the following praxis proven service solutions - professional, cost effective, speedy:
- Entry of all current business transactions for your accounting in compliance with §6 tax consulting law (StBerG)
- Adoption of account entries from previous systems
- Electronic cash book
- Digital document and voucher archiving
- Compilation of payment proposal lists and performance of payment runs, including SEPA file
- Performance of dunning runs, on request with additional postal dispatch
- Records in exact columns for the monthly VAT returns
- Competent preparation of the financial statements in cooperation with your tax consultant, including electronic transfer, if desired
- Prompt availability of necessary indicators and information from your accounting: display of accounts and open items for each client and supplier, for all general ledger accounts with integrated document access to our optical archive; lists of receivables, lists of open items, due lists, dunning lists, etc.
- Other services in business and commerce, for instance: drawing up invoices and reminders, compiling payment proposal lists, and electronic batch transfers
Business Support and Consulting
If required, we support you actively:
- In case of commercial or organizational questions
- With recommendations concerning necessary revision measures
- In optimizing your operational procedures
- In developing plan data for the next business year and storing it for future target/actual-comparison
By employing an innovative BI structure adapted to your requirements, we make your reporting transparent and available 24/7.
Our Business-Intelligence-System condenses complex information and provides common key figures, thus supporting controlling as well as relevant business decisions. Expenses for reporting are reduced through automated processes, automatic updates of evaluations, and flexible structures.
Our BI solutions are characterized by easy operations, as well as clear structures, and they are easily adapted to different requirements. Data from other sections, such as hours from payroll accounting, or used storage spaces, can be integrated in the evaluations if required.
By mouse click you receive individually adapted reports on a daily basis, such as: business analysis report, preliminary profit and loss statements, balance report, target/actual-comparison, prior year comparison, plan preview report related to cost center or cost unit / projects with direct access by Excel to our data base.

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